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The JCR Executive Committee


Agatha-Christie Onwuzuruike


Agatha is on it. Always. With everything. A remarkable cook, with a fashion-sense second to none, she somehow manages to juggle her commitment to her demanding PPE degree (ha-ha) with her calling to JCR Presidenting.  Coming in at a mere 5’2” she is not one to be messed with.

VP / Secretary

Suzanne Angliviel


She’s French, she’s awesome, she’s possibly a secret princess. Suzanne is fabulous in every way and her typing skills can not be beaten by even seasoned essay-writers. She jumped at the chance to record the minutes of meetings and send weekly emails to the JCR, sacrificing the youth of her finger tips for the greater good (ie. those who don’t attend meetings - she knows who you are.)

VP / Treasurer

Iain Dunn


As an engineer, we're hoping that Iain is just about ok with numbers, adding up the JCR bank account involves some pretty complex maths. When not dealing with the endless queue of claims to the JCR budget, college rent rates or working out just how much JCR money we can legitimately spend on pizza, Iain can be found churning up the Cherwell with fellow rowers, or, on one memorable occasion, pushing the boundaries of hairdressing to best express his Univ pride. He's also a vegetarian.

Female Welfare Rep


Cara Pacitti


Cara is well-known around Univ for having her finger in many pies. When she’s not ruining people’s baked goods, she can be found acting in the latest 5-star production, singing in the Chapel Choir or arguing passionately for Scottish independence. But whatever your feelings towards the SNP, Cara will always be there to listen to your concerns and offer pastoral support, no matter how trivial or serious your problem may seem.

Male Welfare Rep

Julian Moehlen 


Julian (Abe Lincoln) is definitely in the running for world’s friendliest Univite to date. His soft accent, calming philosophical words and ability to ballroom dance, expel any qualms that one might have about approaching his 6’2” bearded self.

Entz Reps

Issy Picket and Hannah Hendry


Issy and Hannah are your Entz officers, which in their opinion is the most important office to hold in the JCR committee; here to get those Bops a'going! They are both excellent organisers and terrible dancers, enjoy partying and also doing science. Bops are the closest thing to their heart (apart from enzymes). Hannah’s favourite enzyme is acetylcholine esterase, Issy’s is phosphofructokinase. In their spare time they enjoy ballroom dancing (Issy), discussing the works of T S Elliot (Hannah), practicing the dirty dancing lift without injury, and of course rowing.


Academic Affairs Officer

Chloe Agar 


It is rumoured that Egyptologists are a rather interesting bunch. These rumours have been neither confirmed nor denied, as Egyptologists are also rather elusive. As such a rare breed, it is difficult to know exactly what Chloé does on a day-to-day basis.

It is certain that, as one of so few, Chloé can be approached about anything by any subject. She cares deeply about her non-Egyptological peers, which means that any problems anyone may have with work or tutors will be resolved quickly, with as few references to mummies & pyramids as possible.

Access & Equal Opportunities Officer

Katie Parkin


With her stunning collection of floral clothing and eyebrows that are always on point (how does she do it?) Katie Parkin is a force to be reckoned with. When she is not running around the beaches of Brighton waving a home made banner that has “Equality” painted on it, or re-enacting Wicked behind closed doors, Katie Parkin studies Law. Katie Parkin will not rest until every subject is represented to the hoards of blazer-clad adolescents that gape at our Main Quad with awe, and she will not let the IT Officer rest until that website goes up with an Access page. While doing this, Katie Parkin will likely be enjoying a lovely cup of tea.

Hall & Accomodation Officers

Andrew Gair & Jack Edwards


Often to be found bouncing aimlessly around Oxford, plugged into 1970s Prog Rock (he’s  Kansas’ only fan under 50 years old), Andrew is a friendly and approachable person. One year of Chemistry’s heavy workload still hasn’t managed to wipe the large smile of his face. He’s looking forward to maintaining and improving the high standards of Univ’s meals


Often to be found in an armchair with a book, a nice cup of tea and a slice of cake, Jack is in many ways the stereotypical historian and is one of the few people under 60 to own a tea pot and tea cosy. When not engaged in his history, he is to be found in the pub or in his room hosting a staircase film night. Jack’s room is always open to visitors and has an almost endless supply of home-baked cake.

IT Officer

Ropita Rammya 


As a maths and computer science student, Ropita was the perfect candidate for IT officer – even if she was just at the meeting for the free pizza. Unfortunately months later tragedy struck; Ropita discovered she was lactose intolerant and could no longer eat pizza. But even without the delicious snacks as a motivator, Ropita loves the JCR almost as much as she loves computers and soon there will be a glorious new JCR website. She promises it will be done soon. Lateness is understandable because Ropita is a very busy woman: when not singing like an angel in Univ’s open mic nights, you’ll find her dyeing her fringe a bold new colour or explaining how beautiful programming languages are. (Seriously, don’t get her started on Scala).

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