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Prospective Students Information
Hello and welcome to the Univ JCR!


Now, that you have found this page, chances are you are thinking about applying to Oxford - you're on the right path! Oxford is an extraordinary place and Univ is one of its most vibrant comunities! There are great information sources for you which you can find at the main Oxford website as well as the official Univ College website (and make sure you check out the prospectai), while here you can see a more informal introduction to some parts of life at Univ.


But first, let me explain what a Junior Common Room (JCR) actually is, as I know it was a very vague concept to me when I first heard it. I is basically a mini-student-union, which encompassess the undergraduate students of college. It can also mean the physical, common room which we are free to use and which holds all our larger meetings. The JCR Executives (roles such as the President, Vices, Treasurer, etc.) are responsible for organising events, managing funding available to the JCR and providing a united voice for undergraduates when working with the college on things such as food and housing. You can meet our Executives here if you're interested about details of their work.


One of the great things about Univ is how involved everyone is in... everything! Hence the impressive list of clubs and societies run by Univ students - on top of what Oxford has to offer. Surely you'll find something to your liking here - and if not, remember, these are but a fraction of what is available in the University.


If you're wondering what to do now that you're thinking of applying, Univ runs a really useful website called Staircase 12 . It's full of suggestions for reading around a subject and has loads of information about life at Oxford directly from the students. Make sure you check it out!

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